Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER
Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER
Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER
Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER

Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER

In stock!
2 year
Manufacturer part number
Expected delivery
Order now and and receive it on Thursday (03/13/2025).
Árkád Szeged - Londoni krt 3. - 0. level
1 pcs
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday: 9:00-20:00, Sunday: 10:00-18:00.
The material of the Casio G-Shock G-Squad man smart watch GBD-H2000-2ER watch case is plastic, its color is blue, the material of the strap is plastic and its color is blue. The diameter of the watch case is 53 mm, its shape is wheel. The glass of the watch is crystal (difficult to scratch), its mechanism is solar, and its water resistance is 20 atm (200m) (suitable for diving).
Case diameter
53 mm
Water resistance
20 atm (200m) (suitable for diving)
Casing shape
Crystal (difficult to scratch)
Display / dial
Casing material
Casing color
Strap material
Strap color
time, Bluetooth, seconds hand, smart watch
Article No.
  • The watch is equipped with energy-saving Bluetooth® technology, which enables energy-saving data transfer with a single button press. The watch can be connected wirelessly to a smartphone via Bluetooth®, so many useful functions are available.
  • Smartphone time The local time is automatically set when you connect the watch to a smartphone.
  • Fully automatic LEDs lighting In low light conditions, turning the wrist automatically turns on the display's backlight.
  • Impact resistant The shock-resistant structure protects against shocks and vibrations.
  • Solar energy The solar panel provides the energy required for operation.
  • Display of calorie consumption This function calculates the calories consumed and stores the result in the memory.
  • Heart rate target alarm An alarm sounds when you reach a preset heart rate zone.
  • Optical pulse measurement The optical sensor on the back of the watch uses light-emitting diodes (LEDss) to measure your heart rate on your wrist. The measured values ​​are displayed on the watch.
  • Barometer (260 / 1.100 hPa) A special sensor measures the air pressure (measuring range: 260 / 1100 hPa) and displays it as a symbol on the display. This allows early detection of weather trends.
  • Thermometer (-10°C / +60°C) A sensor measures the ambient temperature around the watch and displays it in °C (-10°C /+60°C).
  • Digital compass The built-in direction sensor detects magnetic north.
  • 10,000 m altimeter The pressure sensor detects changes in air pressure and converts the result up to an altitude of 10,000 m.
  • Height gain Elevation gain summarizes all the meters climbed during your workout, so you can see your total elevation gain during your hike at a glance.
  • Altimeter data memory Depending on the model, up to 40 altitude data sets can be stored in the watch's data memory and accessed again at any time. Each of these data sets consists of a measured height and the date and time. In addition to the individual heights, the maximum and minimum heights are also stored during the measurement.
  • Acceleration sensor The motion sensor reacts to the acceleration and shows it as speed on the display.
  • Step tracker The watch has a built-in 3-axis accelerometer that counts the steps taken and shows the numbers on the display.
  • Training planner The Training Planner supports your personal training goals and gives you a signal when you reach the predetermined goals. For example, a specific calorie consumption or a certain training time can be preset in order to individually control the training.
  • Training analysis This feature shows your training status, fitness level and training load, as well as recovery times. This information provides a good basis for planning further training.
  • Training log The training log stores the number of steps, calories consumed, as well as distance and lap times, and helps you compare training units.
  • VO2max The VO2max value is an indicator of aerobic exercise and shows a person's individual fitness level. A lower VO2max value indicates a lower fitness level, while a higher VO2max indicates a higher level of performance. Regular exercise can improve your VO2max.
  • VO2max recovery time Good training requires regeneration. To help you get the most out of your workout, there's a VO2max recovery time display that shows how much recovery time your body needs to recover from the previous workout. Then the next session can begin.
  • Activity App The watch has several training modes that can be preset to individually assess and control the appropriate activity. Using the 'Swim' mode as an example, the focus is more on calorie consumption and distance, while the 'Run' mode shows heart rate and speed in detail.
  • GPS speed-distance measurement Top technology for demanding runners: The watch uses GPS technology to measure current running speed and distance covered. All data is shown individually on the display.
  • Sunrise/sunset display After entering the geographic location, the sunrise and sunset times can be displayed for any given date.
  • World time function It displays the exact time in major cities and specific areas of the world.
  • Stopwatch function - 100 hours It measures your interval and finish time to the second. The signals confirm the start/stop selection. The measuring capacity reaches 100 hours.
  • Circular memory 100 Measured total, lap and split times can be stored in memory with the date and displayed again later. A data set consists of date, total, lap and split time. There is enough space in the memory for 100 data sets.
  • 5 timers - 1/1 sec. - 60 minutes (with automatic repetition) The countdown timer signals when the set time is reached. The measuring capacity reaches 60 minutes. The timer can automatically count down from the preset time. Five of the countdown alarms can be set independently.
  • 4 day alert The daily alarm reminds you of recurring events with a sound signal at the set time. This model has four independent alarms for flexible reminders of important appointments.
  • Vibration alert The vibration alarm discreetly reminds you of important appointments without sounding an alarm.
  • Snooze function Every time you stop the alarm, it will ring again after a few minutes.
  • Key sounds on/off The key sounds used to use the mode key can be turned off. This means that the watch will no longer beep when switching from one function to another. Preset alarm or countdown timers remain active when key tones are turned off.
  • Display incoming e-mails When you receive an e-mail, the sender is shown on the display.
  • Phone pager Wrong have you fixed your smartphone? Just press a button on your watch and your smartphone will ring.
  • Automatic calendar with date, day and month Once set, the automatic calendar will always display the correct date.
  • 12/24 hour format Times can be displayed in either 12-hour or 24-hour format.

Casio óra talán a legközismertebb márkanév a digitális termékek piacán, mely a '80-as évek elején szinte lángba borította a világot. Órák terén a Citizen és a Seiko által megkezdett hatalomátvétel méltó örökösévé vált megfizethető áru és jó minőségű, folyadékkristály kijelzővel ellátott időmérőivel. A technikai forradalom tehát a békés órakészítői művészetet is teljesen új mederbe terelte. A digitális kijelzőjű órák megjelenése lehetőségek millióit nyitotta meg a Japán óragyártó cég előtt, hiszen megoldhatóvá vált a háttér megvilágítás például, hogy csak egyet említsek a kezdeti bővítményekből. Az addig elképzelhetetlen, órába zsúfolható, funkciók tengere végeláthatatlan kombinációkat tartogatott és tartogat azóta is, melyeket a Casio tervezőmérnökei nem restek kihasználni. Ébresztés, tenger feletti magasság kijelzés, digitális hőmérő és iránytű, holdnaptár, stopper, visszaszámláló is lehet egy modellben, és ez még mindig töredéke csak annak, amit egy Casio óra magában hordhat. A Casio órák a mai napig a legtöbb különböző modellt számláló termékcsalád, kicsik és nagyok kedvence. Azonban ha Casio óráról beszélünk, ne korlátozzuk elképzeléseinket a műanyagszíjas, műanyagtokos karórákra. A kétezres év beköszöntével nagysikert aratott például az Oceanus széria, mely minőségre és főleg kialakításra svájci rokonaival mutatott hasonlóságot, azonban az ár ez esetben is jóval kedvezőbb volt. A Casio óra mindig élen jár az új megoldások alkalmazásában, és professzionális módon hasznosítja az óragyártás területén. Karórái a legmagasabb minőségi elvárásoknak is megfelelnek, mind az anyaghasználat, és a design tekintetében is."

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